Saturday, December 17, 2011

Week 17

I am officially a P1.5!!! Celebrations occurred the night of my last final, not too late though because I was so damn worn out from the last two weeks of hell. But I made it through and that is all that matters. Now I am working full time and trying to spend as much time with Marie as possible, I owe her for the last three months of nothing but studying. I am hoping next semester will be more manageable, due to the fact that I have done this before and maybe I have some understanding of what I need to do to be a successful pharmacy student. For those out there who are thinking about joining our ranks of sleep deprived PharmD candidates, it feels great to have accomplished so much so far. One feels depressed, down-trodden, and disheartened while attending classes and going through 5 finals a week and sleeping two hours a night, but when you finish, words cannot describe the excitement and joy you feel. When I walked out of that last exam, I had this pressure inside my chest, this rush of happiness, that felt like I need to scream with joy at having finished. I almost shouted out, "Suck it Pharmacy school!" However, I am too polite for that.

Since the semester is over, and this blog is about the PharmD life, I am going to take a break on posting until the week before the Spring Semester starts. I plan on removing myself as far as possible from the PharmD life during this much needed break. I do plan on writing the papers we have due for Introduction to Patient Care over the break, but other than that, NADA!

I hope you all have an awesome break. I will see you next semester!

As a treat I decided to compile a list of what all you gain, besides a PharmD certificate, when you graduate pharmacy school.

  • Gray hair
  • bald spots
  • weight gain or loss
  • heart burn
  • anxiety
  • insomnia
  • ulcers
May the force be with you! Goodbye to another week in the PharmD life!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Week 16

As you can see I gave up on the week numbers being in different languages, got old. I am now reporting to you as an almost P1.5! I have taken three finals and only have two more to go! Very exciting, I am not gonna lie though, this week has been very stressful, but as Marie says, I wasn't forced to go to pharmacy school so no point in biotching about it.

Comprehensive pharmacy phinals (as us cool kids call it) kind of suck. Okay, they suck pretty bad, I am not gonna lie, but they are doable, especially in some classes where they let you know what you need to focus on. Of course these last two tests I have no such luck, so I am going through hundreds of slides worth of material trying to pull out the gems from the crap. I don't know where that analogy came from, but I am gonna roll with it.

This week has also been killer to my sleep schedule, staying up until 3 or 4 and then getting up at 6 is no bueno. I am going to sleep for a day after this semester is over! Which is in only 3 days!!!! Passing this semester (hopefully) is going to be the best thing ever. I cannot wait to get my life back. I miss hanging out with Marie, that's for sure. So all you pre-pharmacy kidz, get your family and friend time in now, cause it pretty much goes bye-bye when you step into the realm of a PharmD candidate. And be prepared to stay up late and get up early! It's not uncommon to pull multiple all nighters in a row. Caffeine pills will be your best friend!

Okay, back to studying now, sorry the PharmD life hasn't been very interesting lately, but when all you literally do is eat, sleep (HAHA), and study, not much can happen.

I'll leave with some advice from a P2, "In pharmacy you have to learn to adapt, or else you're not gonna make it. If that means sitting in the same spot for a day studying or sleeping only two or three hours at a time, then you just do it. Carry a toothbrush on you and get it done." -Frank Da Tank

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Week fifteen

Wow, there is not too much to say about a week like last week. It was a totally mind rape, I felt dirty and in need of a shower after Friday. Five tests in one week are never fun, but when the last one is for Physical and Chemical Principles of Drugs, you just want to die at the end of it. I don't know why they decided to put all our last exams the week before finals. I guess there really isn't a choice and I am glad to have made it through. All I have been doing for the past week is studying and it's hard to make myself get back on it for the five comprehensive finals we have. I am going to celebrate so hard when it's over. I plan on throwing up at some point that night. We'll see how it goes. I am going to have to cut this post short cause I spent the whole day watching Harry Potter and hanging out with the wife. We needed a break and it is our SIX YEAR anniversary of being together. Six years ago we were crazy high school kids and I forced her to go out with me. We then went to Sonic Drive-In, don't judge, and I was in so much disbelief that this sexy awesome girl would date the fat me, that I ignored her and acted funny. But the next day we started the dating game and now here we are! I am so glad that this first hellish semester is almost done, and I can't wait for three and a half years from now! I am not going to post for next week until Wednesday following finals. No distractions, I am sure Marie will make sure that doesn't happen, and I am going to crank these finals out and then jump for joy! After a nap of course. I hope that all is well in everyone else's world, and that all those still in school have a great set of finals. May the force be with you.