Saturday, February 18, 2012

4 tests and V-day

Ahhhhhhhhhh. Valentine's the day of love, chocolates, and heart break. I am not going to lie, Valentine's is not my favorite holiday, and this may stem from the fact that up until I was 17, I never had a true Valentine of my own. But now I have no excuse, and I am starting to warm up to it, if slowly. I am gonna go ahead and put this out there, I have the best Valentine and wife ever. So there! We celebrated early, as fore mentioned, because one of my professors is sadistic and decided we should have our first exam on the day of love. So it was looking like it would be a horrible V-day fo sho. However, I got done with my test after only an hour and was home with the wife. We decided to go out and have a V-day dinner even though it was 830. We went to the grandest of all places, Cheddar's! It was actually really good. This is only our second time dinning at the location, but the food has been nearly exceptional both times. For the price it is totally worth it, and the location of the restaurant brings out the high class people too. For instance, as we were walking in to the establishment, a car drove into the parking lot with the phrase "Mr. Hit Dat" painted on the side. I wanted to ask if I could go to a pic with the vehicle, but of course Marie thought it would be a bad idea. So anyways, we are waiting for a table, and in walks a very classy looking gentleman. Marie and I both turn and look at each other. As soon as he walks off, we both say, "That was Mr. Hit Dat!" It was quite amusing. So in case my sarcasm got a little confusing in the paragraph above, I shall summarize. Cheddar's has good food: True. The demographics of the customers are high class: False. Mr. Hit Dat was a gentleman: Mega False. I hope that cleared some things up, cause even I get confused sometimes with my humor.

Valentine's this year was definitely a very good one. It could have gone south, but my loving and adoring wife made it perfect. Thank you so very much Marie, you are amazing! Oh and if you wanna see her take on the day click here. It's a few posts down, though I wold recommend reading all of her's. They are awesome!

Okay, so I have already mentioned the first part of the four test week. We started on Valentine's day, had one every day until Friday, and then we have one on Monday (in two days that I have barely studied for) and our last one on Thursday (which should be easy). Needless to say, the stress was on. Luckily, and I cannot speak for everyone, three of the tests weren't too difficult. The Biochemistry one could have been worse, but it could have been better also. Only having 25 questions seems nice, but then you only miss 5 and you're down to a B. The Tuesday one was nice and easy, and I feel for the most part we all scored in the A and B range. The ******** (I omitted the name to cover my ass.) exam was easy, seeing as it was only over four one hour lectures I would hope so, but there was a question without a right answer. Super annoying. And even though half the class, literally, was lined up across the front of the room, asking him the same question, he didn't make an announcement saying he had made a mistake and to choose a certain choice or anything and it'd be thrown out. He said "As per instructions, choose the best choice out of the answers provided." Well when there is no correct answer, does that mean to choose nothing? The class was a bit frustrated, and for once it was a valid frustration. Professors are humans, they are going to make mistakes, it is no one's fault and no one should get mad at them for it. However, when you make a mistake and won't admit it, that is when the fault does fall upon you, and it hurts all those involved. Well that is enough on that topic. Last night we had a not so bad one, and then me and my boyz went to Quatros and had a beer or two. It was nice and relaxing after a hard week. I wish Marie could have made it out, but she was feeling bad, so I just had a couple beers, and then ran/drove home to her as fast as legally possible.

All in all, this week could have been better, could have been worse. And for those pre-pharm people interested in UT. Six tests in 2 weeks, three times in the semester, happens every P1 spring semester, so prepare yourself now. However, if we aren't able to handle the stress, we wouldn't make good pharmacists, so it's best to have it in a controlled environment, surrounded by friends and loved ones, then to throw us to the wolves with no preparation.

Holy Crap! Crazy thunder just happened. I have to go to work now, and I don't wanna get caught in the rain. I hope everyone had a great week and as always it's been another crazy one in the PharmD life. Peace.

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